[ reality check ]
mood: tired
song of the day: torpedo | eheads
current rave: layout ng mga blog woohoO!
before i get too enthusiastic in layout editing na naman, may i be reminded that my sked for the two coming weeks is:
tuesday. jan27
[ cel meeting with doc m ]
wednesday. jan28
carabelle's hababerday
[ ece 197h homework! (oh no! mignon! heeeeelp!!!) ]
thursday. jan29
[ ece 113 second long exam ]
[ to go to the progress meeting or not? ]
[ hellow? pwede ba tumanggi dun?! ]
[ prolly OVERNIGHT! wala nang oras para umuwi ]
friday. jan30
[ ece 121 first long exam ]
[ start my part sa rrl ]
saturday. jan31
[ live aids ]
[ prolly do something in the day bring my readings and stuff ]
sunday. feb1
[ i have to come up with my part in my group's RRL ]
[ damn! ]
monday. feb2
[ meeting with elai and toots re: outlining of the narrrative RRL ]
[ prolly resolder 113 die kasi uminit kanina ]
[ uh oh, may cel meeting pa pala pakshet ]
[ malamang gumawa ng 141 sa gabi (oh no! pano na rrl?) ]
tuesday. feb3
[ ece 141 problem set!!! ]
[ karirin ang RRL sa gabi ]
wednesday. feb4
[ deadline ng rrl ]
haaay, QUE HORROR!

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