LoTR RoTK i wanna watch!
mood: sleepy
song of the day: langit na naman-barbie's cradle
current rave:Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
found these:
Culture: human
A descendant of the lost line of the ancient kings of Men, Aragorn is fated to one day claim the empty throne of Gondor. Aragorn is a mighty warrior, wielding his blade with great adeptness in defense of Helm's Deep. He fights with passion and bravery, but also with wisdom, which earns him the respect and admiration of Théoden, King of the Rohirrim. In The Return of the King, he will face several challenges that will determine the fate of Middle-earth.
Culture: elf
The only daughter of Elrond, Lord of Rivendell, Arwen is said to be the most beautiful of all living beings in Middle-earth. Born to an immortal life as an Elf, Arwen must chose between it or to forsake this everlasting existence for the love of the mortal Aragorn. In so doing, she dooms herself to die as a Human.
Culture: human
The nephew of King Théoden, Éomer is one of Rohan's mightiest warriors and a captain among the ranks of their fine horsemen. After the battle at Helm's Deep, Eomer and the Rohirrim wait for the call of Gondor.
Culture: human
Beautiful and strong, the Lady Éowyn of Rohan is the niece of King Théoden. Despite her noble blood, Éowyn is not one to shy from combat. Adept with sword and shield, the Lady is quite capable of defending herself. When the men of Rohan leave to do battle in defense of their realm, Éowyn longs to be allowed to take arms and join them, though her gender and office forbid it.
Culture: human
The youngest son of Lord Denethor, Steward of Gondor, Faramir is brother to Boromir who perished defending Merry and Pippin. Unlike his brother, Faramir is not beloved by his father, and has spent many years as a ranger, scouting and defending the wild borderlands of Gondor in order to earn his affection.
Culture: hobbit
Frodo is a most unlikely hero. A Hobbit, small and quiet, but possessing a true and noble spirit, Frodo becomes the bearer of the One Ring when it is left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo. The task therefore falls to him to do what no one else can, and destroy the ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. The burden of this charge will lie heavy on Frodo, pulling at him constantly as he trods the perilous path to Mordor from whence the One Ring came.
Culture: elf
A Prince of the Elven Kingdom of Mirkwood, Legolas joined the Fellowship of the Ring as a representative of his people. Legolas possesses the keen eyesight and sharp ears characteristic of his race
eto na lang muna...hehe kapagod eh tapusin ko tonight. lolz
source is: www.lordoftherings.net
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